Start-up Saturday

What is Start-up weekend? It’s when a bunch of people get together on a Friday night, pitch business ideas, work on them, and have a business plan by Sunday. It’s fun! Coming in January or February to a location in SE DC. Bring your laptop if you have one.
Saturday, February 11th
10:30 pm: Everyone who wants to present their business idea gets 90 seconds to pitch the problem, their solution, and what they need.
11 pm: All ideas are written on giant sticky pads and posted on the wall, participants get to comment on the sheets and discuss with the presenter.
11:30 pm: Teams are formed, and they begin to conduct further research, develop the product/service more, and conduct market research.
4:00 teams rehearse their final pitches.
4:30 pm: Teams deliver final pitches to judges.
4:30 pm: Judges pick winner to receive seed funding grant (if available).
6:00 pm hosting site closes.
Ideas that will be presented:
your idea, if you’re there!
Creative Housing Solutions: getting permission from property owners with vacant houses to have high-risk tenants move-in.
Popville: securing short-term leases on vacant retail spaces to have a pop-up concepts for food, drink, and other retail.